Thursday, October 23, 2008

HIMA IS08 Conference Presentation

HIMA IS08 Presentation

From: jennifertexada, 12 minutes ago

HIMA IS08 Presentation
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: social media)

Presented at Houston Interactive Marketing Association IS Conference in October 2008

SlideShare Link

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Social Media Training for our Faculty

Today is day two of The Department of Faculty Development's Social Media Week (insert fanfare here) at the hospital. One of the people in Faculty Development saw a presentation that I did in March on Social media learning communities, and realized that this information would be valuable to her audience. So they hosted and planned a week of social media training sessions for faculty... all that I had to do was round up some help and show up!

I am so glad they did this because I think that getting the faculty to understand the value of" joining the conversation" and participating in "communities" is where we as an institution will gain the most value from our participation. All I can do is push out news releases or promote events but our faculty are THE experts... the ones that patients, caregivers and other physicians from all over the world look to for accurate information. Their participation will not only increase awareness of the expertise and value of our institution, thus improving brand awareness and reputation but also drive creation of accurate and reputable health information available online.

Session #1 was on... Monday was the "overview session" the turn out was not what we hoped it would be. I am not sure if that was because it was on a Monday, or because this was the second time I presented this information... but either way the small number allowed us to have a more intimate discussion of the topics and really dig into what they wanted to know. The number one question seemed to be how do I use (fill in the social media site) to benefit my need. Many of the people in the room already had a Facebook, or Linkedin profile, but were not exactly sure what to do with it.

The rest of the week will be hands on sessions in small groups where we will tackle the basics on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Knol, Podcasting and and a few other topics. Today was the first of the hands on sessions. I lead the session on Linkedin @DrMiggy (on twitter) lead the session on Facebook. Many of them brought their laptops, but because our WiFi connection in the room was slow I let those with accounts and specific questions come up to the podium and drive. That was a blessing in disguise. People began to learn from each other and address their concerns from their perspective, not surprisingly they had many of the same questions. We cleared up a number of misconceptions and I expect to have some new Linkedin connections before the end of the day.

After it is all over and I have had a chance to catch my breath I will try and share the feedback and lessons learned from the series overall.