Friday, March 14, 2008

The Needle is Moving

Today I presented the future institutional Facebook and Twitter pages for final blessing at the VP level. We are approved! (applause here)

To get to this point we had to
  1. Educate quite a few folks on what these tools where and how to use them
  2. Find examples of how other people were using them, in the context of health care
  3. Immerse myself in regular use of the tools, and monitor the trends
  4. Develop the plan, goals and strategic vision for use of these tools
  5. Include all of the key groups in development of the guidelines
  6. Write the guidelines documents, and edit, and edit
  7. Develop the graphic and editorial content for the pilot users
  8. Get approval on the guidelines, graphics & editorial plan
Now that it is blessed, I will announce it to the directors, on Monday. If that goes well I will flip the switch and soft launch before the end of the day.

  • Make announcements to my key stakeholders
  • Participate in an internal communication plan
  • Once the pages are up and I am happy with the
    results, I will formally share the news externally
This could not have gotten done without strategic planning, communication and training and development of a community of social media champions and mentors. Thank you all so much, you know who you are.

This is just the beginning.

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